This many-worlds interpretation of cosmic existence cuts to the very core of perhaps the ultimate of existential questions concerning who each and every one of us is and the ultimate question of personhood. The philosophical questions concerning the individual self and our place in the universe that naturally emerge when confronting this theory are, to say the least, very disquieting. What does it mean to be me? Does the notion of an immortal soul or the notion of personal salvation in some after life have any real meaning within the context of twenty first century science? Does the notion of a personal and loving God, looking out for our personal wellbeing and the salvation of each and every one of us, still relevant today? When confronting this theory from a personal perspective one may enter the Twilight Zone of the soul.
If this theory of cosmic existence ever receives empirical confirmation how will it affect humanity’s perspective concerning its place in the cosmos? If we were privileged to take a glimpse at the philosophy and religious theology of a century or two hence what will we see? How would the notion of a multiverse shape the thinking and zeitgeist of our descents? Will humanity descend into a new age of nihilism? Or see itself as an integral part of some greater whole in a much, much wider scheme of existence writ large. It would be very interesting to see how the ideal of a multiverse will shape the philosophy, religion, art, literature and science of a future age. These are indeed very sobering and disquieting thoughts that humanity will one day have to confront. Yet, again if it’s ever proved that we indeed inhabit a multiverse it will open the vast new realm of infinite possibility and new worlds and realms of existence to explore.
The Universe - Parallel Universes
Some of the world's leading physicists believe they have found startling new evidence showing the existence of universes other than our own. One possibility is that the universe is so vast that an exact replica of our solar system, our planet and ourselves exists many times over. These Doppelganger Universes exist within our own Universe; in what scientist now call "The Multiverse." If proof is found it will change our lives, our minds, our planet, our science and our universe.